Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the basics of VueJS 3. Duration: 41.83 minutes

Understand the concept of components in VueJS and how they are similar to AngularJS

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Components in VueJS

  • Self-contained, reusable blocks that encapsulate markup and logic.
  • Similar to AngularJS components.

AngularJS Components

  • Defined using .component() method
  • Supports one-way and two-way data binding

VueJS Components

  • Components can be defined using the Vue.component() method or through local registration
  • Components typically consist of a template , script , and style

Similarities Between AngularJS Components and VueJS Components

  • Encapsulation : Both AngularJS and VueJS components allow encapsulation of code and functionality.
  • Binding : Both AngularJS and VueJS components support two-way data binding.
  • Lifecycle Hooks : Both AngularJS and VueJS components provide lifecycle hooks for managing component initialization and destruction.
  • Directives : Both AngularJS and VueJS components support the use of directives to manipulate the DOM and component behavior.

Differences Between AngularJS and VueJS Components

  • Syntax and Structure : AngularJS and VueJS components have different syntax and structure.
  • Concept Translation : Despite the syntax and structure differences, the underlying concepts of components translate well between AngularJS and VueJS.

Example Component Definition in AngularJS

angular.module('myApp').component('myComponent', {
  template: '{{ $ctrl.greeting }} world!',
  controller: function() {
    this.greeting = 'Hello';

Example Component Definition in VueJS

Vue.component('my-component', {
  template: '{{ greeting }} world!',
  data() {
    return {
      greeting: 'Hello'

Adapting to Vue's component system

  • Straightforward if skilled in AngularJS
  • Working with modular, clearly defined blocks of code
  • Leveraging existing knowledge

Learn about the structure and composition of VueJS components

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VueJS Components

  • Components are an integral part of the VueJS ecosystem
  • They are similar to AngularJS components

VueJS Component Structure

  • Template: HTML structure of the component containing directives and bindings.
  • Script: Contains the component's functionality written in JavaScript.
  • Styles: Includes component-specific CSS styles.

Example of a VueJS component structure:


  • Contains HTML code for the component
  • Uses double curly brackets {{ }} to bind data to the DOM
  • Includes a button with a click event handler


  • Exports a VueJS component
  • Defines a data object with a message property
  • Includes a method that displays an alert when the button is clicked


  • Includes scoped CSS for the component
  • Changes the color of the h1 element to blue

Template Section

  • Markup is defined with text interpolation and directives like @click

Script section

  • Defines the functionality of the component
  • Includes data, methods, and lifecycle hooks

Style Section

  • Include component-specific CSS styles
  • Use the scoped attribute

VueJS components vs AngularJS components

  • Similar fundamental structures
  • Differ in syntax
  • Differ in reactive data flow

Compare and contrast the component-based architecture in VueJS and AngularJS

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Comparison between Component-Based Architectures in VueJS and AngularJS

  • Both VueJS and AngularJS structure applications as a tree of components.
  • Components encapsulate the template, style, and behavior for a particular piece of the UI.

Summary of AngularJS (Angular 1.x)

  • Component-based architecture became prominent in later versions (Angular 2+)
  • AngularJS has a concept of directives to create tag-like components.
  • It uses a scope hierarchy aligned with the DOM hierarchy.
  • Directives can bind to these scopes to create isolated or inherited scopes.
  • It has 'controllers' to place business logic.
  • Dependency injection is fundamental and helps in managing scopes and controllers.
  • It has two-way data binding for automatic synchronization of model and view.


  • Designed to be incrementally adoptable and centers around component-based architecture.
  • Vue components are more lightweight and tightly coupled compared to AngularJS directives.
  • Components are self-contained with their own view and data logic.
  • It uses a reactive system to automatically update the DOM.
  • It doesn't use controllers or scope hierarchies but a virtual DOM for DOM updates.


  • Both VueJS components and AngularJS directives can accept inputs and emit custom events for communication.
  • AngularJS's two-way data binding can cause performance issues in complex applications due to the digest cycle, while VueJS's one-way data flow (props down, events up) performs better and is less complex.
  • Dependency injection in AngularJS is more intricate compared to VueJS's straightforward prop-passing mechanism.
  • VueJS's single-file components enhance maintainability and readability by encapsulating the template, script, and style sections.
  • Directives in VueJS are more powerful and easier to use compared to AngularJS directives. They bind reactive data to the DOM and apply logic directly in the template.


In understanding VueJS's component-based approach for someone skilled in AngularJS, the key differences between the two frameworks lie in the instantiation of components, management of data flow, and updating of the UI. VueJS offers a more modular and declarative approach, resulting in a more maintainable codebase.

Explore the different directives available in VueJS 3

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Directives in VueJS

  • Directives are special tokens in the markup that tell VueJS to perform certain actions on DOM elements.
  • In VueJS 3, there are several directives available for different tasks:
    • v-bind : Updates the DOM element with the value of a data property or expression.
    • v-if : Conditionally renders an element based on a specific condition.
    • v-for : Renders a list of elements based on an array or object.
    • v-on : Attaches event listeners to DOM elements and executes specified methods when events occur.
    • v-model : Binds form input values to data properties, allowing two-way data binding.
    • v-show : Conditionally shows or hides an element based on a specific condition.

Similarities Between AngularJS and VueJS

- Both AngularJS and VueJS use directives to manipulate the DOM within their respective template syntax. - AngularJS has directives like `ng-model`, `ng-repeat`, `ng-show/ng-hide`, and `ng-click`. - VueJS also has its own set of directives that serve similar purposes.

Key Directives in VueJS 3:

  • v-model: Two-way data binding on form input, textarea, and select elements
  • v-for: Rendering a list of items by iterating over an array
  • v-if, v-else-if, v-else: Conditional rendering of elements
  • v-show: Conditional display of an element by toggling its display CSS property
  • v-on: Attaching event listeners to invoke methods on Vue instances
  • v-bind: Binding an attribute to an expression
  • v-slot: Dealing with scoped slots

Directives in VueJS 3

  • Directives in VueJS 3 can be used to control how elements render and behave on the page.
  • They allow you to respond to data changes or user actions in a reactive way.
  • Using directives is similar to how you might have done this in AngularJS, but within Vue's reactivity system.
  • By using directives, you can extend basic HTML by attaching specific behaviors to elements.
  • Directives help you respond to user inputs without the need for raw JavaScript.

Understand how directives are used to manipulate the DOM and provide interactivity in VueJS

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Directives in Vue.js

  • Directives in Vue.js are special tokens in the markup that tell the library to do something to a DOM element.
  • They are prefixed with v- to indicate that they are special attributes provided by Vue.js.
  • Directives can be thought of as the commands that attach behavior to the DOM elements in your templates.

AngularJS Directives

In AngularJS, directives are used to extend the HTML vocabulary and achieve dynamic user interfaces.

  • ng-bind: Used for binding data to the DOM.
  • ng-model: Used for two-way data binding.
  • ng-click: Used for attaching click events to DOM elements.

Directives in AngularJS are defined with a prefix ng- .

Vue.js Directives

  • v-bind: Dynamically bind one or more attributes, or a component prop to an expression.
  • v-model: Create two-way data bindings on form input, textarea, and select elements.
  • v-on: Listen to DOM events and execute some JavaScript when they're triggered.
  • v-if, v-else-if, v-else: Conditionally render elements based on the truthiness of the expression value.
  • v-for: Render a list of items based on an array.
  • v-show: Toggle the display CSS property based on the truthiness of the expression value.
  • v-text: Update the textContent of an element.
  • v-html: Update the innerHTML of an element.

AngularJS Equivalents for Vue.js Directives

  • ng-bind or {{ }} : AngularJS equivalent for interpolation
  • ng-model : AngularJS equivalent for v-model
  • ng-click , ng-change , etc.: AngularJS equivalents for v-on
  • ng-if : AngularJS equivalent for v-if, v-else-if, and v-else
  • ng-repeat : AngularJS equivalent for v-for
  • ng-show or ng-hide : AngularJS equivalents for v-show
  • ng-bind : AngularJS equivalent for v-text
  • ng-bind-html : AngularJS equivalent for v-html

Additional Features in Vue.js Directives

  • Directives in Vue.js can update the DOM when the state of the Vue instance changes.
  • Directives can accept arguments and modifiers to make them more versatile.
  • An example of a directive is v-on:click , which indicates that the click event is bound to an element.
  • Additional modifiers like .stop can be provided to stop the propagation of the event.

Comparison with AngularJS

  • Both frameworks use the learning from HTML attributes to instruct behavior in the DOM.
  • Vue.js extends this with a more concise and flexible API.
  • Vue.js uses v-on:click instead of AngularJS's ng-click .

Benefits of Vue Directives

  • Vue directives provide an easy and powerful way to reactively manage the DOM and enable interactivity.
  • They encapsulate the imperative code so that you can

Compare the syntax and usage of directives in VueJS 3 with AngularJS

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VueJS and AngularJS Directives

  • Directives are used in both VueJS and AngularJS.
  • Directives extend HTML with custom attributes and elements.
  • They are essential for building dynamic web applications.

AngularJS Directives:

  • AngularJS has a set of built-in directives.
  • Directives have the `ng-` prefix.
  • Examples of AngularJS directives: `ng-bind`, `ng-model`, `ng-class`.

VueJS Directives:

  • VueJS directives are identified by a `v-` prefix.
  • Directives focus on reactivity within the Vue instance’s data.
  • Common directives in VueJS: `v-bind`, `v-model`, `v-for`, `v-if`.

v-bind vs. ng-bind:

  • In VueJS, use v-bind to dynamically bind attributes or component props to an expression.
  • In AngularJS, use ng-bind to replace the text content of an element with the value of an expression.

v-model vs. ng-model:

  • v-model creates a two-way binding on input, textarea, or select elements in VueJS.
  • ng-model in AngularJS also creates a two-way binding between a form control and the model.

v-for vs ng-repeat:

  • v-for is VueJS's directive for rendering a list of items by iterating over an array or object.
  • ng-repeat in AngularJS provides a similar functionality, creating a template instance for each item in a collection.

v-if vs ng-if:

  • v-if in VueJS conditionally renders a block based on an expression.
  • ng-if in AngularJS removes or recreates a portion of the DOM tree based on an expression.

VueJS vs AngularJS

  • AngularJS compiles HTML with directives to manipulate DOM elements or add behaviors.
  • VueJS leverages a virtual DOM.
  • Using a virtual DOM can make working with directives in VueJS potentially more performant and easier to reason about on complex updates.


  • AngularJS and VueJS both have similarities in the way directives operate at a high level.
  • However, they also have distinctive syntax and conventions that are tuned to their respective frameworks' philosophy and reactive systems.
  • As someone skilled in AngularJS, you can leverage your knowledge to quickly understand concepts in VueJS.

Learn about the various ways components communicate with each other in VueJS

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Methods for components communication in VueJS

  • Props: Allows data to be passed down from parent components to child components.
  • Event Bus: Uses a centralized event bus to allow communication between multiple components.
  • Custom Events: Child components can emit custom events and parent components can listen to these events.
  • VueX: A state management pattern for Vue.js applications, allowing components to access global state.
  • Refs: Provides a way for parent components to access child components.

Note: These methods can be compared to communication mechanisms in AngularJS.

Props in VueJS and AngularJS

  • In VueJS, a parent component passes data to child components through props.
  • In AngularJS, you use bindings like @ , = , and & to pass data to child directives (components in AngularJS world).

Example in VueJS:

Vue.component('child-component', {
  props: ['message'],
  template: '<span>{{ message }}</span>'

Usage in parent:

<child-component message="hello from parent"></child-component>

Custom Events:

  • Child components can emit events which the parent components can listen to.
  • In AngularJS, $emit and $broadcast are used for dispatching events.
  • In VueJS, $emit method on the Vue instance is used.
  • A VueJS child component can use this.$emit('custom-event', data) to emit an event.
  • The parent component can respond to this event using v-on:custom-event="doSomething" in the parent component's template.

Event Bus:

- An instance of Vue used across the entire app as a central event hub. - Components can emit events to and listen for events from this central instance. - AngularJS doesn’t provide a built-in event bus, but services can be used to achieve a similar effect.

Creating an event bus in VueJS:

- Create a new instance of Vue and assign it to a variable called EventBus. - Example: const EventBus = new Vue();

Emitting an event:

- Use the $emit method on the EventBus instance to emit a custom event. - Example: EventBus.$emit('custom-event', data);

Listening to an event:

- Use the $on method on the EventBus instance to listen for a custom event. - Example: EventBus.$on('custom-event', (data) => { - Handle event });


Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. It provides a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion.

AngularJS approaches state management through services, or with third-party libraries like Redux.

Provide and Inject in Vue 2.2.0+

  • Used primarily in advanced plugin or component library use cases
  • Allows an ancestor component to serve as a dependency injector for all its descendants
  • Works as long as the descendants are in the same parent chain

AngularJS Dependency Injection

AngularJS has a Dependency Injection mechanism that manages the creation of dependencies and passing them to components or services.

Providing a Dependency in VueJS

provide() {
	return {
		theme: this.theme

Injecting a Dependency in a Descendant Component

inject: ['theme']

VueJS Component Communication

  • VueJS provides different mechanisms for component communication
  • These mechanisms can be adapted to various scenarios
  • Similarities to AngularJS, but with differences in implementation and concepts

Understand the concept of props and how they are used to pass data from parent components to child components

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Concept of Props in VueJS

  • In VueJS, props are used to pass data from parent components to child components.
  • Props can be compared to "scope" or "bindings" in AngularJS.
  • Props are the primary method for passing data in VueJS.


  • Declare the props a child component expects using the props option.


Vue.component('child-component', {
  props: ['message'],
  template: '{{ message }}'

Passing Data:

  • Use the child component within a parent component's template.
  • Bind the parent's data to the child's prop using the v-bind directive (or : shorthand).


<child-component :message="parentData"></child-component>

One-way Data Flow:

  • Data passed from the parent to the child through props is one-way.
  • Changes to the prop inside the child do not affect the parent's state.

Prop Validation:

  • VueJS offers prop validation to specify type, requirement, default values, and custom validation for props.


Vue.component('child-component', {
  props: {
    message: {
      type: String,
      required: true
  template: '{{ message }}'

Understanding props in VueJS:

  • Props are essential for creating maintainable and reusable components in VueJS
  • It enforces a clear contract of what data is expected.
  • Props can be thought of as the VueJS equivalent to scope property bindings in AngularJS directives.
  • The primary difference is the unidirectional data flow in VueJS.

Explore other methods of component communication, such as event handling and the use of a central event bus

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Create a basic VueJS component from scratch

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Creating a Basic VueJS Component

  • Similar structure to AngularJS
  • Define a class with a decorator @Component in AngularJS
  • Component in VueJS encapsulates template, logic, and styling
  • Steps to create a basic VueJS component:
    1. Define a template
    2. Define component properties
    3. Define component methods
    4. Register the component
    5. Use the component in the Vue instance

Steps to Define a Vue Component

  1. Define the template using HTML-like syntax
  2. Write the logic in the JavaScript section enclosed within <script> tags
  3. Style the component using CSS within <style> tags, either scoped or global


  <div class="greeting">
    {{ message }}

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      message: 'Hello, Vue!'

.greeting {
  color: red;

To draw a comparison with AngularJS:

  • VueJS `` is similar to AngularJS template/templateURL
  • VueJS `` export object is similar to AngularJS controller
  • VueJS `<style scoped> restricts styles to the component

To create the component, create a .vue file that includes all three parts: <template> , <script> , and <style> . Import and use the component in your Vue app.

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function resetSlideScrolling(slide) {

function handleSlideScrolling(slide) {
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Reveal.addEventListener('ready', function (event) {

Reveal.addEventListener('slidechanged', function (event) {

Understand the necessary steps to set up a VueJS component

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Setting up a VueJS Component

  • Create a new Vue component file with a .vue extension
  • Define the component by using the Vue.component method
  • Inside the component, define the template for the HTML structure of the component
  • Add any necessary data and methods to the component
  • Export the component as default
  • Import the component in the desired location and use it in the HTML markup

Component Registration

VueJS has two types of component registration: global and local.

Global Component: Can be used in any root Vue instance and its subcomponents by using Vue.component .

Local Component: Defined in the components option of its parent instance.

Template Definition

A VueJS component has a template option where you set the HTML that will be rendered by the component.

Data Function

  • A VueJS component must have a data function that returns an object where reactive properties are declared.


  • Methods are declared in the methods object of a VueJS component.


  • Props are used to pass data from parent to child components in VueJS.

Lifecycle Hooks

  • Lifecycle hooks are used to run code at specific points in a component's lifecycle in VueJS.

Steps to create a simple VueJS component:

  • Create a new Vue instance.
  • Define the component's template.
  • Specify the component's data.
  • Declare any methods that the component needs.
  • Mount the component to an HTML element.
  • Use the component in your application.

Implement data binding and directives in the component

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Implementing Data Binding and Directives in VueJS Components

  • VueJS uses a reactive and composable data binding system.
  • Data binding refers to the automatic synchronization of data between the model (your component's data) and the view (the HTML template).
  • Vue provides the v-model directive for two-way binding, allowing changes in the view to update the model and vice versa.
  • One-way binding can be achieved using curly braces {{ }}, which render data values into the DOM.
  • Understanding AngularJS concepts can help in implementing data binding and directives in VueJS components.

One-way Data Binding

  • Use the double curly braces {{ variableName }} to render data in your template.
  • You can also bind data to HTML attributes using v-bind:attribute="variableName" or simply :attribute="variableName" .
  • This is similar to AngularJS's {{ }} interpolation and AngularJS’s ng-bind or using double curly braces within attributes.

Two-way Data Binding

  • Use v-model on form inputs and components to create a two-way binding.
  • In VueJS, when you use v-model, Vue automatically updates the data property in your component state when the input changes, and vice versa.


    <input v-model="message">
    <p>The message is: {{ message }}</p>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      message: ''
  • In this example, if message is updated elsewhere in the component, the input field will update.
  • Conversely, when the input field is typed into, message will update.


  • v-if and v-show: Conditionally render elements (similar to ng-if and ng-show/ng-hide in AngularJS).
  • v-for: Render a list of items based on an array (like ng-repeat in AngularJS).
  • v-on: Attach event listeners that invoke methods on Vue instances (similar to ng-click, ng-change, etc. in AngularJS).

Working with Directives

  • Directives are used to extend HTML with dynamic behavior.

Example: Using v-on directive

  • A button is wired with a click event listener using the v-on directive.
  • The v-on directive calls the greet method defined in the component's methods.
        <button v-on:click="greet">Greet</button>
export default {
    methods: {
        greet() {
            alert('Hello from the Vue component!');

Summary: Data Binding and Directives in VueJS Components

In VueJS components, data binding and directives are similar to the concepts in AngularJS, although the terminology and syntax may differ. The core principles of reactive data and directive-driven DOM manipulation remain consistent between the two frameworks.

Solve coding exercises involving VueJS component creation and manipulation

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To solve coding exercises involving VueJS component creation and manipulation:

  • Apply what you've learned about Vue's component-based architecture, directives, and component communication.
  • Since you're skilled in AngularJS, you're already familiar with a similar modular approach.

Detailed steps for creating a new VueJS Component:

  • Start by defining a new Vue component.
  • In AngularJS, you typically use a component decorator, whereas in Vue, you define a component by calling Vue.component() or using a local component object within a parent component.



app.component('myComponent', {
    template: `
            {{ message }}
    controller: function() {
        this.message = 'Hello from AngularJS';


Vue.component('my-component', {
    template: `
            {{ message }}
    data() {
        return {
            message: 'Hello from VueJS'

Data Binding:

  • Practice data binding within your components.
  • Vue offers a similar v-model directive for two-way data binding like AngularJS's ng-model .
  • Vue's v-model directive is generally used for form inputs.
  • For text interpolation, Vue uses the double curly braces {{ }} , similar to AngularJS.


  • Use Vue's built-in directives like v-if , v-for , v-bind , and v-on .
  • These are similar to AngularJS's ng-if , ng-repeat , ng-bind , and ng-click .
  • However, Vue's directives offer a more concise syntax, particularly with v-on for event handling and v-bind for attribute binding, which can be shortened to @ and : respectively.
// AngularJS
<li ng-repeat="item in items">{{ item }}</li>
<button ng-click="doSomething()">Click me</button>

// VueJS
<li v-for="item in items">{{ item }}</li>
<button @click="doSomething">Click me</button>

Event Handling in AngularJS and Vue

  • AngularJS uses $emit and $broadcast for event handling within scopes.
  • In Vue, you can emit events from child components using $emit .
  • In Vue, you can listen for emitted events in parent components using the v-on directive or its shorthand @ .

Manipulate Components

  • Modify your components’ states and watch the reactive updates on the UI
  • Similar to how AngularJS updates the view when the scope’s properties change


  • Create a todo list component where you can add, remove, and toggle the completion status of tasks
  • Build a simple counter component that increments and decrements a number
  • Implement a messaging system where one component sends a message and a different component displays it, showcasing component communication

By practicing these exercises, you're reinforcing your understanding of VueJS components and seeing parallels with AngularJS, which should make the transition smoother.

Build small projects using VueJS components to reinforce your understanding

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Building Small Projects with VueJS Components

  • Building small projects using VueJS components is a great way to solidify your understanding of the VueJS framework.
  • It is particularly beneficial for individuals who are already familiar with AngularJS.

Creating a project in VueJS

  • VueJS follows a modular approach like AngularJS.
  • Start by setting up a new Vue instance.
  • Define components that can be combined to build a complete application.
  • Similar to AngularJS modules and components.

VueJS Project Overview

  • Project setup using Vue CLI
  • Component creation with a template, script, and optional styles
  • Routing with Vue Router for navigation
  • State management with Vuex for managing shared state
  • Data binding and directives for handling user interaction
  • Building and serving the project using Vue CLI commands

Tips for building small projects in VueJS

  • Break down your application into small, reusable components.
  • Use props and custom events for parent-child communication.
  • Apply directives to update your DOM reactively.
  • Utilize lifecycle hooks effectively.


  • Building small projects in VueJS allows you to apply concepts practically and improve your proficiency in the framework.
  • Each project provides experience in handling different aspects of VueJS.
  • Projects allow you to see how VueJS solves challenges in its own syntax and best practices.


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Question 1/13

Which symbol is used in VueJS for two-way data binding?

Question 2/13

In VueJS component structure, where do you define the functionality of the component?

Question 3/13

Which of the following statements is true regarding AngularJS's component-based architecture?

Question 4/13

Which VueJS directive is used for two-way data binding on form input, textarea, and select elements?

Question 5/13

In VueJS, which directive is used to dynamically bind one or more attributes or a component prop to an expression?

Question 6/13

Which VueJS mechanism allows an ancestor component to serve as a dependency injector for all its descendants, regardless of how deep they are?

Question 7/13

What is the primary method for passing data from a parent component to a child component in VueJS?

Question 8/13

In VueJS, how can a child component emit an event for the parent component to listen to?

Question 9/13

What are the three main sections involved in creating a basic VueJS component?

Question 10/13

What is the purpose of the data function in a VueJS component?

Question 11/13

Which directive in VueJS is similar to ng-if and ng-show/ng-hide in AngularJS?

Question 12/13

In VueJS, which directive is used for event handling and can be shortened to `@`?

Question 13/13

What is the recommended tool for scaffolding a new VueJS project, similar to Angular CLI in the Angular ecosystem?