Learning Plan for Next.js Course

Creating Pages in Next.js

Utilize React component knowledge to create pages in Next.js and understand routing mechanisms.

Exploring API Routes

Understand how API routes in Next.js can streamline backend functionality development.

Understanding Rendering Techniques

Differentiate between static generation and server-side rendering in Next.js for optimized content delivery.

Implementing Global State Management

Apply experience from React with state management libraries to handle global state in Next.js applications.

SEO Optimization

Improve SEO in Next.js applications through server-side rendering techniques.

Deployment Process

Learn how to export and deploy Next.js applications using optimization strategies.

Capstone Project - "NextBlog"

Apply learned concepts by building a feature-rich blogging platform, integrating server-side rendering, API routes, and global state management.

Let's get started with the course!

Now that we have a plan for the course, Let's Get Started with NextJS.